Well-being is more than reducing negative mood, stress, pain, or physical discomfort. It’s about entering into life, with meaning, passion, joy and contentment, even through the realities of life. It’s about having the freedom to fully be yourself.

Are you ready to begin?

Jaime K. Hardy, Ph.D.

I am a Licensed Psychologist and practice in Lexington, KY. I have a Master’s of Science Degree in Physiology and a Doctorate of Clinical Psychology from the University of Kentucky. In my work I specialize in integrating physical, somatic awareness with emotional and mental well-being, as research indicates this is the most impactful way to work with trauma, mood disorders, chronic illness, and relationship difficulties. I have training in Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Interpersonal Process Therapy (IPT), Cognitive Processing Therapy for treatment of trauma (CPT), Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT), and Internal Family Systems (IFS).

I believe that people are not flawed or broken, rather that there are patterns that keep us from stepping into the true essence of who we are. I love partnering with people to find the personality patterns that keep them stuck, and intimately support them as they live into more authenticity. This brings greater freedom and power to create the lives we want, with the ability to fully embody our passion and purpose in life.



This course is designed to provide knowledge and education on mindfulness and the impact on psychological well-being and is not considered as psychological services. It is not a substitute for psychotherapy or mental health care treatment of mental disorders. By purchasing this course, you agree to be responsible to seek out personal mental health care from a qualified provider as needed. 

The information provided within these courses are for educational purposes only and does not constitute as clinical advice. If you are having an emergency, please call 911 or go to your local emergency room.